Wednesday 11 May 2011

Stress is a Choice

A magnet serves its purpose very well. It doesn't care exactly what it attracts. It's on auto pilot and simply does its job. When we recognize that we too are magnets who attract people and things into our lives, we unleash the power to choose who and what we truly want to draw into our lives.

Look around you. Who and what is in your life? Whoever and whatever you find, you've attracted. That's right. You brought them all to you. You're a magnet and quite a powerful one at that.

Your thoughts, conversations and actions have drawn everything and everyone to you just like a magnet attracts metal. Do you like what you see around you in your business, your job or personal life? Well, it's all because of you.

You didn't realize you had such a strong gravitational force, did you? Like it or not, you've pulled all these people and things into your pathway to the future. Do you want to keep them along for the ride?

If you're like me, while growing up you may have often heard your parents telling you something like, "You are who you have around you. Choose your friends and associates carefully." As a child growing up, those words did not have as much meaning and significance as they do to me today. Looking back on my life, I have been fortunate to have a number of people who positively influenced my life.

Discover your magnetism and choose carefully what you say, what you think and what you do. Attract those people and things that will carry you forward to a desired state, one you truly deserve and choose to achieve - no matter what.

Some questions to ask yourself:

Who or what are you attracting in your life?

As new people enter your life, how are they the same or different than others?

Are your thoughts and conversations drawing powerful, positive influencers to you?

Bibliography- Newsletter


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